- Consumer Complaint for SportyBet Nigeria

Emmanuel olatunji oladiran
Why this be happened in your company so anybody bank account don't safe with you peoples again I have account with sportybet and I try to transfer money in to my account online with my ATM card I transfer#2000 into my sportybet account around 10:16pm I just saw second debit alert again around 10:24pm and the transaction come from the same bet company.. This is the first transaction details..Acct:219**671
MC Loc Web Prch-031521332981--Sport
DR Amt:2,000.00
Get Our Mobile App. Click bit.ly/myzapp.and this is the second that I don't approved..Acct:219**671
MC Loc Web Prch-031521007351--Sport
DR Amt:2,000.00
Get Our Mobile App. Click bit.ly/myzapp.please I have a good evidence about this just help me to return my morning back that is it since yesterday I wish to change my sportybet account password the account was block since yesterday and my money is inside the account why you peoples do this to us it not good ooo and I don't what any problems for any person just open my account and returned my money.
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