Access denial - Consumer Complaint for iBSmartify Nigeria (InksNation)

Oladeji Timothy
I oladeji Timothy Olajide username oladejitimothyolajide to inksnation have been denial access to login into my account as at Saturday evening. Also payment done for my children registration for inksnation have not been activated till now. Username- oladejioladotun2014 paid into access ibsmartify account on 2/10/2020 (from oladeji Timothy) access bank account,also, oladejioladapo2007 paid into GTB -UWA EMELE 0458519494 paid from ( oladeji Timothy) , also were oladejioladoyin2002 and oladejioladayo1999 whose payment were made to eco bank 4343060656 onyemsechi rejoice account from,(oladeji Timothy) but not activated till now
COMPLAINT #7091 - Delivery Issues
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