P A T H E T I C - Consumer Complaint for CHICKEN LICKEN

Uthamaseelan Dorasamy
I bought a Boerie Burger at the Newcastle branch opposite the McDonald's franchise and believe me, that was "The Worst Burger" I've ever eaten.
The foundation of a burger is the patty and there's 2 patties in your burger and l was double-dissatisfied with the rubber cardboard type patty that was in your burger.
Gosh, do you people even taste your own products?
The manager said that people love this burger!
People with no tastebuds wouldn't eat this burger.
My friend took just one bite and basically put it away.
I honestly told the manager to just sell chicken wings and pieces because that burger just made me wish of the older times of Stumo's Special burger (now that was a burger/sandwich), and not this pathetic burger that you'd expect us to swallow.

This isn't a complaint!

It's an eye-opener!

Keep to what you know, which is over-salty fried chicken or do something about your burger patty because either your'll don't know about taste or your'll haven't tested your products before leaving your test facility.

I doubt it's difficult to have public reviews before adding tasteless, unappealing products to your menu.

Unsatisfied customer
COMPLAINT #6055 - Product Issues
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