On 4 october 2017 a uchoose 115 line rental of R115 per month is added to my contract on numer 066 222 4484. I never recieced a sim card for thar number nor did i ever used this line.
I oaid for this and as i never recieved any statements as well i never see this and after beggung Vodacom to send ne a statement that i didcovered this. In my view it is fraud as i paid R2760 over 24 months for a service i never recueved nor used as well as the R2400 airtime that i supposed to recieved on this line for 24 months
I took out this or this is done at Vodashop Springs Mall and i think it hapoened the same time that i had upgrade on my 0829255355 number. To ne this is fraud and should be reported as such