Affidavit in connection with cancellation of Vodacom number 0820846395
On 4 February 2020 I, Maria Elizabeth Van Zyl, ID number 6305030076084, who is legally appointed to deal with all Vodacom upgrades and cancellations, send an email to Albert Nel in connection with cancellation of telephone number 0820846395. This was done before the upgrade should have been done on this number. Albert told me that the cancellation is done over the phone. I’ve also confirmed with Albert Nel that all numbers on NEPEAN Conveyors account should carry on month by month until we can upgrade. This you can also see on the email send to Albert Nel on 4 February 2020.
I then spoke to Shannon Lubbe on 28 February 2020 and she confirmed that the number 0820846395 has not been cancelled and I should send a letter requesting cancellation of the mentioned number.
I’ve send the letter to her on 6 April 2020 to cancel as she requested. I did not upgrade the mentioned number so NEPEAN is not responsible for the payment of a premature quote and Vodacom actually owe NEPEAN all moneys deducted for the contract of 0820846395.
I confirm that all information supplied in this affidavit are true and correct.
Maria Elizabeth Van Zyl
ID number 6305030076084
I have been told to send an affidavit to Fraud department which then told me again that this was done by the sales department. They send me back and forth and I have all the communication emails to prove that I did this cancellation from the beginning when the first person contact me to upgrade all our numbers.
This is really frustrating. Vodacom wants the Company to pay a premature cancellation fee which is really unfair. Vodacom actually owes us the money that they've debited every month for this service.