Bad poor customer service - Consumer Complaint for Vodacom - Head Office

Moshifa Elija Mtsweni
-------- Original message --------
From: memtsweni <memt***>
Date: 2021/03/05 16:03 (GMT+02:00)
To: custom***
Subject: Bad customer service

I'm Moshifa Mtsweni from Middelburg was reminded by sms. When I get at the Vodacom door there's sighn written one customer per sales person and I respected that because all the sales people were occupied. They gave me the ticket number to be assisted by the next available salesperson. But guess what happened in front of me. Other customers were entering and no one wanted to know about me while I'm standing at the door having a ticket number. Please take your employees to the customer service training because it seems like they assist their friends first then the other customers after. I'm not happy about this kind of behavior. Someone deal with this and come back to me with better solutions and action taken to the responsible person.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

Mr ME Mtsweni
COMPLAINT #12706 - Customer Service Issues
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