EXTENSIONS ON LAYBYE REFUND AFTER CANCELLATION - Consumer Complaint for Bradlows - Head Office

I cancelled a laybye beginning February 2021, been told to wait for 14 to 21 days. When I went to check as those days passed,was suprised that my cancellation was never attended. The Mazwi even showed me the file. That made me remember the attitude I received on my arrival for this cancellation, that it is not going to be attended soon nje ngendiske ndiyiyeke, blah,blah.... That disturbed a bit but contunued anyway./ It is not going to be attended anytime soon better live it. The manager when attending it gave me waiting days 3 to 14 days- another waiting. THEN BOOM ON THE 6th APRIL MY FILE HAD INCORRECT DETAILS AND WRONG INFORMATION BEEN SENT WHEN DECIDED TO GO AND CHECK. Again given another waiting period of 3 days. NO REFUND MADE TILL THIS DATE BUT EXTENSION OF 3 TO 7 DAYS.
COMPLAINT #13807 - Repair Issues
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